Wednesday, September 16, 2015


(A Thesis)

Ardi Widiansyah,S.S.




I truly declare that this thesis is my own except for quotations and summaries which have been duly acknowledged.

Date: October 25th, 2011                                                      (Ardi Widiansyah)

Title                          :  Seeking Harmony: The Life of Elizabeth Gilbert                                          As Reflected in Her Novel Eat, Pray, Love
Name                        :  Ardi Widiansyah
Student Number       :  07111169
Department              :  English
Program                    :  English Literature
School/Institute         :  Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat

Approved by
Advisor Committee

Head of S1 English Department,                                Advisor,

Akhyar Rido, S.S., M.A                                        Indah Fajaria, S.S., M.Hum
NIK. 023 05 00 01                                                  NIDN. 02 1902 7801

Accepted and Validated by
The Board of Examiners
S1 English Department
Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat

On October 25th, 2011
The Board of Examiners

Chairman                   :  Indah Fajaria, S.S., M.Hum.    (………………………)
NIDN                          :  02 1902 7801

Examiner                   : Samanik, S.S., M.Hum.               (………………………)
NIDN                          : 02 19027801


Dr. H. M. Nasrullah Yusuf, S.E., M.B.A.
NIK 021 00 00 01


Bismillaahi rahmannirrahiim, 
Praise to Allah SWT as the higher power, who gives his blessing for all creatures in the universe. Particularly, his blessing to the writer therefore the writer affords to finish totally this thesis entitled ”Seeking Harmony : The Life of Elizabeth Gilbert as Reflected in Her Novel Eat, Pray, Love”.  Shalawat and Salam praise to our beloved prophet Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, the messenger as well as the one who brings good news to human life.

The writer affords to accomplish this thesis successfully because of some talented person who always gives advices, guidance and critics in order to make betterment for this thesis. Therefore, I would like to deliver my deepest gratitude to:
1.         Dr. H.M. Nasrullah Yusuf, S.E., M.B.A., as the chairman of Higher  School of Foreign Language Teknokrat.
2.         Akhyar Rido, S.S., M.A., as the Head of S1 English Department, who has given advices to me strictly and convinced me that I can face many obstacles in arranging this thesis.
3.         Indah Fajaria. S.S., M.Hum. as my beautiful advisor who has spent her time to support, motivate, check, criticize and make sure that my thesis run well.
4.         E. Ngestirosa E. W. K, S.Pd. S.S. M.A, as my good and friendly examiner of thesis proposal who has guided me in revising the thesis to better  enhancement.
5.         Samanik. S.S., M.Hum. as my kind lecturer who is always enthusiastic in giving his opinion and explanation patiently.
6.         All lectures and administration staffs who have helped me in any condition during study in STBA Teknokrat Lampung. Allah blesses you all. 

Bandar Lampung, October 25th, 2011  
The Writer,

Ardi Widiansyah


I proudly dedicate this thesis to my lovely queen of heart,
 my parents, Mamak and Bapak.
Thanks for giving me your admirable love until I can finish
my Sarjana Degree


"The positive willingness will drive you toward success"

By :  Ardi Widiansyah


Seeking Harmony: The Life of Elizabeth Gilbert
 As Reflected in Her Novel Eat, Pray, Love

Ardi Widiansyah

In this thesis, the writer provides discourse regarding to one of the aspects in human life called as harmony in life. The life of harmony describes the serenity in life therefore it becomes the needs which cannot be overlooked. The aim of this research is to scrutinize seeking harmony and the acts of Gilbert in achieving harmony in life as depicted in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love.

To accomplish this research, the writer applies sociological approach. Then, to support the analysis the writer needs some theories and concepts such as concept of harmony, harmony between people and a society, harmony between people and the environment and harmony between People and the Supreme God. Moreover, descriptive qualitative method is implemented in this analysis since the result of the analysis will be described by using the words not in numeral data.

As a result of the analysis, the writer presents three primary points of seeking harmony as reflected in the Eat, Pray, Love novel. The first point is harmony with society includes mentor/supportive community where the social contact cannot be overlooked by Gilbert in seeking harmony. The next point is the importance of fulfilling harmony with the social environment because the environment provides the human needs such as physical comfort, artistic pleasure and emotional satisfaction therefore the social environment affects the mood, desire and feeling of Gilbert. Certainly, Gilbert can get, learn and enjoy many things that useful for her life in the social environment. In this case, enjoying delicious food and learning Italian is the most wanted by Gilbert to be happy. The last core point of seeking harmony is harmony with supreme God that can be achieved through meditation, Tibetan rites include yoga practices, and prayer.

STATEMENT OF FREE PLAGIARISM ..........................................        i
APPROVAL PAGE...............................................................................        ii 
VALIDATION PAGE ..........................................................................       iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................        iv
DEDICATION......................................................................................        vi
MOTTO.................................................................................................        vii
ABSTRACT..........................................................................................        viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................        ix

1.1  Background of Report.....................................................................          1
1.2  Problem Formulation........................................................................          5
1.3  Objective of the Study.....................................................................          5
1.4  Uses of the Study.............................................................................          6
1.5  Scope of the Study...........................................................................          6

2.1        Sociological Approach..................................................................         8
2.2        Concept Harmony.........................................................................         11
2.2.1    Harmony between people and a society.............................        16
2.2.2    Harmony between people and the environment................ ..      17
2.2.3    Harmony between people and the supreme God..............         19
3.1     Research Design...........................................................................         24
3.2     Data and Data Source...................................................................         25
3.2.1 Data.....................................................................................         25
3.2.2 Data Source.........................................................................         25
3.3     Data Collecting Technique...........................................................         25
3.4     Data Analyzing Technique...........................................................         25
4.1     Presenting harmony through the mind visualized.........................         26
4.2     Presenting harmony between people and a Society
          through Mentor/Supportive Community......................................         31

4.3    Achieving harmony by mingling between people and
         the social  environment..................................................................         38

4.4    By presenting harmony between People and the Supreme God...         43
         4.4.1    Meditation as a means to get harmony .............................         43
         4.4.2    Relaxation, Concentration and Transcendence
                     as a technique to achieve harmony....................................         47
         4.4.3    Daily Prayer as a way to achieve harmony........................         48
         4.4.4    Tibetan Rites include Yoga Practices
                     as a method to be harmony...............................................         49



1.1    Background of the Study

There are many people in this world expects the inner serenity and harmony in life. Most of the people look for those things without knowing how to search it. They sometimes are confused by their inner problems or the various unhappy conditions.  Many people expect to have a good condition in their life nevertheless it cannotguarantee for them to get serenity and happiness. Typically, both of them are associated with nonrational dimensions, such as love, but not with money, health, and other external factors.

The serenity in life is a condition when someone are able to be harmonic with God, environment, the people and others. Referring to this case, the life of human being is so complicated. Therefore, many people attempt to gain the abundant wealth and to reach it they are usually do various ways. For instance, by gathering the abundant wealth, searching pleasure, visiting the beautiful place, and having relationships with others. They think that by having lots of wealth, have a good occupation, have a high position in society and have a faithful couple will shape the life’s satisfaction and happiness. They are not aware that thinking too much regarding to worldly pleasure will make them be worry, greedy, stingy when never getting closer to God therefore the spiritual side must be enhanced in order to get the true happiness.

The assumption which develops in this current society assumes that the real happiness can be measured by their wealth, career, occupation and everything about worldly pleasure. In fact, those things actually have not been ideal yet to call whether the certain people have achieved their aim. There is one aspect that most of people neglect when they concentrate toward their activities, job and career. The aspect is the relationship between people and God. As Chapala states that,

“A simple distinction between ‘internal wealth’ and ‘external wealth’. ‘internal’ as that dimension of wealth that refers to the individual’s mental, moral and spiritual capabilities and ‘external’ as that facet of wealth which is principally material and derives its value from established social norms” (2008:1).

As human being, both physical needs and spiritual wealth are two important things in human life. Our life will not be stable if both of them do not run well. The spiritual wealth is store of your positive beliefs you have, that draw positive experience into our life therefore appears the feeling of happiness. Meanwhile, the negative thought attract the negative experience, trouble and problems. Krishnananda states that,

“Harmony implies an adjustment of oneself with an environment that is external to oneself. When there is no proper adjustment of one thing with another thing, we call it disharmony. When there is a proper adjustment, a smooth working of one principle, one fact, one object, one person with another, we regard it as harmony” (2003:3).

Based on quotation above there are two aspects in seeking harmony where those two aspects must be balanced in giving treatment. People must be able to act fairly in concerning both worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence. When someone only think regarding to worldly pleasure but never getting closer to God, he or she will never acquire the real happiness. Conversely, for those who devout approaching the God without balanced to worldly needs, they will acquire difficulties and problems therefore both of them must be poised to get a hold harmony in life. Subsequently, the main determining factor that we need to be considered in order to gain the serenity, pleasure, satisfaction and happiness is trying to obtain the harmony in life. Everything which is harmonic is better and more appropriate. Moreover, the harmony in life will make someone be more tranquil in running their life because he or she will concern toward worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence in the same proportion.

Harmony is a condition who describes the serenity because it comprises of the needs both physical and spiritual necessity which actually the life of human being could not avoid of those things. Physical needs are typically consisting of successful career, luxurious home and healthy body. Whereas, spiritual necessity can be gotten by approaching ourselves to God and leaving the habitual activities regarding to worldly condition. On the other hand, harmony is a circumstance where someone treats physical and spiritual needs balancedly.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love 2010 is a novel which describes the personal life of the writer where she has everything related to her life such as having a modern home, successful career and beloved husband. She is actually an American modern woman, educated and ambitious eventually she feels unhappy and unsatisfied.  In contrast, she becomes panic, sorrow and hesitates. She feels her divorcement, depression, failure of love and loss of handle life therefore she decides to look for the meaningful life. All of those problems put her life in terrible way. Then, she tries to recover all of problems by selling everything she has, leaving her occupation, her lovely people and visiting three different countries alone with the purpose of seeking harmony in her life.

Someone who seeks harmony must consider several things correlate to human life. Referring to the novel, Eat, Pray and Love are the most essential things which must be had by someone due to its function. Eating is asymbol as the physical needs of the most primarybecause if someone does not eat, he or she cannot be concentrate on their activities. Therefore, primary needs must be fulfilled before go to the next steps.Prayer symbolizes the spiritual needs that must be done to handle the life and then Love iscomplement in lifewhen there is no love a person cannot be happy. Moreover, love can be directed for example, love to foodlove for God, love the people and others.

Considering the explanation above, the writer establishes Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love as data source. In this case, the writer  commits the research regarding to seeking harmony to know why it is very important for human life, especially in the life of Elizabeth Gilbert as reflected in her novel Eat, Pray, Love. The writer applies sociological approach to accomplish this research because this approach focuses on understanding process from society to individual. Moreover, seeking harmony is the important thing which most of people need the life’s harmony in their life. In seeking harmony, Eat, Pray, Love symbolizes the human’s needs must be fulfilled by everyone in order to achieve the life harmony. Then, Elizabeth Gilbert is an individual who is actually part of society. Therefore, the life harmony which becomes the need of society as a whole is also becomes the important part in Elizabeth Gilbert’s life.  

1.2    Problem Formulation

Referring to the background of the study, the writer will analyze the primary point, how does Elizabeth Gilbert describe seeking harmony in her novel Eat, Pray, Love?

1.3  Objective Study

Based on the problem that has been formulated, the writer could present the core points as the objective study as. The objective of this research is to explain seeking the life of harmony as revealed in the novel Eat, Pray, Love.
1.4  Uses of The Study
By conducting this analysis, it is expected can give some advantages;
1.      Theoretical Uses
The writer hopes this analysis will enrich the reader’s knowledge. Generally, related to literary work. Therefore, it will increase reader’s knowledge to comprehend about literature and become one of the references for the one who attract to analyze novel especially for Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love.Specifically, this analysis will give the insight for the meaning of life based on the novel analyzed.

         2.   Practical Uses
The writer expects that this analysis will give the useful thing toward someone where Eat, Pray, Love can describe something which can be found in someone life when he or she claims for responsible of their happiness and become the lesson for lots of people. Especially, for the one who want to gain the harmony in their life.

1.5    Scope of the Study
To make this analysis is not going to be wider therefore the writer restrict this research on the problem of seeking harmony of Elizabeth Gilbert’s life in Italy, India and Indonesia as reflected in her novel Eat, Pray, Love. For this reason, the writer focuses this analysis on seeking life harmony of Elizabeth Gilbert reflected in the novel.


Considering the problem formulation, the writer needs some important concepts and theories that related to the problem in order to help the analysis then the whole concepts will be stated as theoretical framework. As Stryker states that a theory is a framework for understanding things about the world in which we live e.g. physical, economic, spiritual, or social (1998:45).

The usage of theories and concepts is very important to support the analysis. Therefore, an analysis is actually cannot be committed without involving some related theories. Hence, the writer utilizes some related concepts and theories with the purpose of helping the writer in conducting the research and the whole theories have been stated in this chapter.

2.1    Sociological Approach

Since the thesis deals with the individual life and society which both of them have mutual correlation where the individual is part of the society. Subsequently, the condition of individuals such as physical, economic, spiritual, or social are influenced by society. For this reason, the writer applies the sociological approach for this analysis. According to Stryker states that the sociological approach to understand the self and its parts (identities) means that we must also understand the society in which the self is acting, and keep in mind that the self is always acting in a social context in which other selves exist (1990:2).
It means that the certain people are actually having interaction with its environment which comprise of a group of society and they will be affected by society therefore they can act, understand and feel everything in social context.

Sociological approach concerns toward society therefore when we want to understand the self or the individual’s life we need to know the society where the individual was living. Since the individual life appear as the reflection of society. As Wellek and Warren presented three perspectives of sociology literature relationship including the sociology of the writer, the social content of the literary works, and the literatures influence on society (Wellek and Warren, 1996: 96).

The sociology of the writer deals with the life story of the author which includes social status and another factors related to the author who creates literary work. The relationship sociology and literature exists since literary works is written by the author. Then, the author himself is the member of the society therefore things which become the main point are human and society where both of them are not apart. Thereby, the behaviors of individuals will create a groups, organizations and networks therefore we will know how a person’s life which is actually part of society. Hio in Yohanda State that,

“Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior. It shows us how the people interact with each other, how groups and societies differ, and how social affect human behaviours” (2005:19).
Sociological approach is a approach which is used to study about human behavior. Especially, their interaction in a group and social community. Each individuals is actually part of society.
Therefore, sociological approach is quite appropriate to know how social communities affect human behaviors mentally.  Ratna states about sociology as follow,

“Sociological approach analyzes human in society by understanding process about from society to individual. Basic philosophy of sociological approach is there is natural relationship between literary works and society” (2004:45).

Literary works are never far from society because the author is part of society. They always explore the phenomena occur in society as the issue in their literary works, therefore sociological approach is always used to break phenomenon in society. 

There are some statements about sociology which concern to everything that related to human being in society. Therefore, when we concern about sociology, it cannot be separated from how people interact and socialize each others. Sociology is the study which deals with everything that related to social environment of human (Craib, 1992:42). Literary works are the reflections of the society in social contact as the creation of author to deliver his feeling, emotion, view even his thought about what is going on in the certain period. Based on sociological approach, there is relationship between the literary works with society. Moreover, the author is the member of the society therefore by using sociological approach, the writer can conduct the research about seeking harmony in the life Elizabeth Gilbert in her novel Eat, Pray, Love.

2.2    Concept of Harmony

Harmony means undirectional, along, rhythm, or in parallel. The happiness of people will be gained when based upon on harmony. According to Cross,

“Harmony is the circumstance which describes the serenity. Harmony encompasses the whole aspects of life such as harmony between people to other, people to environment, people to God, material and spiritual, soul and body” (2008:7).

Since harmony reflects to serenity therefore to get real happiness people must gain the life’s harmony where there is the proper adjustment between the physical and spiritual needs therefore there will be equilibrium within the life. Meanwhile, According to Duerto,

“Harmony covers 3 (three) basic requirements that are the harmony between people and society, the harmony between people and the environment and the harmony between people and their relationship with the supreme God” (1998:12).

The quotation states that harmony consist of three basic components which becomes the main aspects of human life. These three requirements of harmony must be nurtured in order to balance all aspects of human life because if one of the aspects is not done well, it will disturb the others. Therefore, people should give the same treatment for physical and spiritual needs. For this reason, the writer wants to concern the analysis on seeking harmony for worldly pleasure and relationship to God.

There are many people expects to have harmony where certain people can empower themselves better in some aspects in their life such as physically, spiritually and mentally. Many people try to find life’s harmony which consist the elements such as happiness, serenity and satisfaction. Feldman (2008:1) states that harmony is a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts, congruity. This quotation states that something can be considered as harmony when there is same proportion between one thing to another, nothing conflict in the certain condition, has the strong principle in life and appear special satisfaction which will make someone be free from the worldly problems such as free from anxiety, fear, hesitate, sadness, and unsatisfied.

Neville’s word in Zhihe Wang states that harmony is a mixture of components and patterns, requiring each and giving each equal importance (2009:30). This quotation states that harmony is actually close to inner satisfaction because our mind is influenced by environment and culture where we live such as custom, tradition, lifestyle and religion. Therefore, something can be considered as harmony in life when each components of nature such as worldly pleasure and spiritual wealth are getting the equal treatment therefore it will not give bad influence for someone life.

Whereas, Based on Zhihe Wang in his journal, harmony is a creative process, amid which things are balanced with one another, but amid which something new also emerges. Harmony is itself a building up, not a tearing down (2009:5). Referring to this quotation, the writer can state that harmony will not be created suddenly but needs process to build up and then it will appear something new which balances with other thing and it will be meaningful to human life. Typically, harmony will empower yourself, mentally, physically and spiritually. Harmony will bring the changes for someone life when they are stuck in old and limiting belief which states the happiness is a condition when having fun, pleasure, good looking, popular, intelligent lots of money. As the impact, many people may be bored or unsatisfied with their career and relationships.

According to Feldman (2008:2), the major ways to achieve harmony are,
  1. Tibetan Rites.
These are 5 yoga positions that were practiced by the Tibetan monks and are designed to balance your energy chakras, thus giving you more energy and emotional stability. They are written about in the “Secret of the Fountain of Youth” books by Peter Kelder.
  1.  5-Minute Daily Energy Routine.
These are various exercises designed to help increase and balance your energy.
  1.  Daily Prayer and Meditation.
This practice helps to center you and surrender control of your world to your personally-defined Higher Power (HP). It allows you to speak to your HP and then listen to your HP.

  1.  Positive Affirmations.
These positive statements help to program your subconscious so that it aligns with what you consciously want in your life. You are most likely your harshest critic, not allowing yourself to be human but expecting yourself to be perfect. Easing up on yourself and feeling good about yourself will help create the results you want in life.
  1.  Visualization.
This practice allows you to manifest your desires more quickly by combining emotion with a picture of what you want. By focusing on what you want and not the negatives in your life, you raise your energetic vibration and attract that to you which you envision.
  1.  Mentor/Supportive Community.
 These are the people in your life who believe in your abilities and want the best for you. They see your gifts and appreciate them and reflect them back to you.
  1.  Daily Gratitude Journal.
This is a daily gratitude journal in which you list at least 5 things you are grateful for. It switches your mode of thought from the negative to the positive and creates a “good feeling” energetic vibration that attracts good things to you.

  1.  Regular Journaling.
Journaling is very therapeutic when you can honestly write about how you are feeling, whether good or bad, and accept your feelings in a non-judgmental and compassionate way.
  1.  Physical Exercise & Diet.
 Taking care of your physical health and well-being promotes mental and spiritual health.
  1. Firm Boundaries.
Healthy boundaries allow you to SELF-ishly take care of yourself. Boundaries serve to protect your new found peace, confidence, self esteem and serenity.
Pertaining to the explanations above, the writer emphasizes some constituents such as mentor/supportive communityvisualization, daily prayer and meditation and Tibetan rites will be utilized in conducting the analysis.
Then, Based on Csikszentmihalyi theory states that,
”Harmony results from the intense pursuit of goals. Inner harmony as the “congruence of thoughts, emotions, and actions” that often occurs when absorbed in the pursuit of meaningful goals” (2000: 217).

The theory above states clearly that harmony is not the thing which emerges instantly but it is created through some actions which involve thoughts, emotions and the real acts of a person. The people will sense harmony when they have effort in pursuing the meaningful goals in life as described in the novel Eat, Pray, Love.

The life’s harmony is very important for the human life because it comprises of the needs both physical and spiritual necessity which actually the life of human being could not avoid of those things. Therefore, people who want to gain harmony must fulfill both of them. In this research, the writer highlights the life’s harmony in worldly pleasure that directs to physical needs and spiritual sides as the spiritual needs. Moreover, Love as the complement for both of them.
2.2.1    Harmony between People and a Society

Finding the life’s harmony means reconnecting with people. Then, reconnecting with people means making relationship therefore there is relationship among people. Most people need close connections with other people.  By having connection with other people, you will have a good feeling of being with someone who understands you and with whom you can share experiences and emotions. When people interact harmoniously, their attitudes and actions toward one another are comfortable and reassuring. Specifically, harmonic interactions are essential for all human beings. In accordance with McLendon (2011:1) states that in order for achieving harmony,

Surround yourself with harmonious people. If your friends and family are on the opposite pole from harmony, go where peaceful people hang out and make some new friends”(2011:1).

To achieve the life’s harmony who concerns between people and society, the people must look for another people who able to accept themselves.
Therefore, those certain people will be comfort and serene when involving themselves into a group of people. By doing this, the harmonious situation will be formed as a part of the life’s harmony. Then, according to Level,

“The importance of social contact for assuring harmony in life is a key element not to be overlooked. The point here is people who have supportive networks of close relations and friends do much better in handling life’s stresses than those who feel alone, isolated and unsupported” (1999:1).

In accordance with quotation above, involving ourselves in the society means expanding our networks therefore our relation and supportive friend will be gotten. Indeed, this condition will handle life’s stress and anxiety than isolate ourselves in the certain place aimlessly.

2.2.2    Harmony between People and the Environment

According to Avery (2005:1), in the largest sense, “environment” means not only the family setting but also the political, economic and natural environments that surround young people as they grow up today. Therefore, the environment where human beings live is actually has the significant role to influence people’s life especially the feeling of being happy, serene, and well-being.

For that reason, to find harmony within life, the people must change their habits. As McLendon states that surround yourself with harmonious things and clean up the mess (2011:1). It means that the people must stay in harmonious condition or the environment which full of harmonious things since it will lead to disharmony.

Meanwhile, According to Kutt,
“Enjoying art can be one of the best ways for us to feel harmony and to express ourselves…. Art is one way for us to connect to our inner world – who we are inside. When we have a chance to express ourselves through art, we feel harmony and a sense of accomplishment inside us” (2005:33-34).

Referring to the quotation above, it means that seeking harmony involves art which can be seen and enjoyed in nearby environment. Something beautiful and pleasurable can be considered as artistic pleasure. There are many different kinds of art when we make special things with colors and shape, it is called as visual arts. The visual arts include things like drawing, painting, sculpture and mosaics and etc. Whereas, when we enjoy or make something with sound, it is called as audio arts. Music for personal reflection and to create harmony inside us (Kutt: 2005:50).

Creating the life’s harmony between people and environment means adjust ourselves to surroundings which support our mood and emotion. Therefore, besides involving ourselves to harmonious things we are also need to Look for the blessings in your life instead of the problems (McLendon: 2011:2). The environment has the significant role for people to find harmony because it had provided all of human needs. Specifically, thephysical needs of the most primary are food. It could be gotten in the environment where people live and it was believed as the way to form emotion and mood toward happiness.

According to Lewis,
“Most food-oriented literature emphasizes health benefits and social celebrations, but misses the connection between happiness and food, where food can become a conduit for good mental health and the betterment of relationships” (2007:65).

The quotation above affirms that food is the basic needs for human being to live and do any kinds of activities. It is also became the main determining factor for being happy and useful for both physical and mental health. Beside that, foods have a powerful impact on your moods and emotions. If you keep eating the same way, you will keep feeling the same way (Lewis: 2007:72). This quotation states clearly that our mood and emotion is also determined of what foods we consume.

2.2.3    Harmony between People and the Supreme God

According to Schultz,
“Harmony is often emphasized in esoteric circles as a goal of the seeker on the mystical path. By achieving harmony within, the mystic accomplishes a fusion with the divine essence and transcends the purely physical appetites, aspirations, and limitations of corporeal existence” (2006:28).

The quotation above explains that harmony itself is also deals with mystical. It is not only limited on physical things but also keep relationship with the higher power. Maintaining the relationships with the higher power does not means that people must worship God in accordance with its rules of each religion but people can do the inner contact to God by establishing a dialogue with a Higher Power (McClendon: 2011:1).

Most of the people expect to have the serenity, well-being and the life’s harmony because they are getting confuse, having much of inner chaos and having unsatisfied toward something  therefore many of them effort to seek it from out of them and by doing any kinds of way. As the impact, this world becomes the source of restlessness and unhappy condition. For instance, to solve the problem in family and working many people consider that by changing the condition around them they will be serene and happy. They are not aware that the source of happiness and restlessness is their own mind.

Mind is the source of happiness and restlessness therefore people must have a positive thinking because positive feelings give us energy, make us feel good and help the good things inside us to come out. Meanwhile, Negative thoughts and beliefs usually make us feel bad, attract negative experiences and problems.

To build the inner serenity and harmony, the people must approach themselves toward omnipotent by concentrate their mind to the God. The possible way to do it is by committing meditation and Yoga because these ways help people to concentrate their mind to God.
According to Chiappalone,

Meditation is not thinking about something as many people misunderstand.  It is a process of seekingharmony, of understanding ourselves better and of turning all our emotions into the calmness of meditation” (1998:1).

From the quotation above, the writer can explore that seeking harmony between people and God can be done through meditation since meditation focuses our mind in contemplation to Divine. Meditation is not sacred worship to God but it as one of the ways to maintain, to reconnect or to seek harmony between people to God.Meditation is considered as one of the way to get the inner serenity because it leads the people who meditate to concentrate their mind to God. According to Elias (1999:23) explain there are three aspect which constitutes the basis of most meditation techniques.

  1. Relaxation of the body and mind so that the mind is not cluttered with various unrelated and disturbing thoughts.
  2. Concentration on a limited area of focus so as to begin to be able to control the functioning of the mind and direct it towards the "object" of concentration which one chooses. Thus, if I have chosen to concentrate on the concept of love, my mind will not wonder from that point of focus to various other unrelated thoughts concerning my daily life, needs, desires, the future and the past.
3.   Transcendence of the mind, thoughts and all identification with the body and personality, and the emergence into a state of super mental union with God (Universal Spirit).

Based on the quotation above, the writer can assume that these three basic aspects are supporting in doing meditation. Therefore, in seeking harmony between people and God is also can be identified by using these three fundamental aspects. For this reason, these three things become the important part to achieve harmony between people and God through meditation.

Those significant explanations are expected will support the writer in analyzing      seeking life’s harmony of Elizabeth Gilbert. To keep relationship and to approach ourselves toward God is very important. Specifically,we cannot feel unhappy, angry, depressed, or joyful without our mind finding some way of explaining why that mood occurs. Most people often make a mistake by thinking that things in the external world must change in order for us to feel better. Nevertheless, it is the internal world that is calling for change and meditation is the most effective technique by which to accomplish internal change.

In this case, to deal with our emotions is one way to bring internal harmony. People must accept their feelings because meditation is the way to discover your emotions where we presence the sense of love, compassion and equanimity and eliminate the unhappy feeling. Beside that, prayer is the primary thing spiritually to find harmony between people and God. Prayer does not mean that you are getting down on your knees with clasped hands but it can be nurtured by establishing a dialogue with a Higher Power (McClendon: 2011:1).

Then, to handle our own internal stress, worry, insecurity, resentment, and anger. People can do practice yoga since yoga is science that enables individual to develop themselves physically, mentally and spiritually.

Elias States that,

“Yoga is a science of human development and improvement that can be used in any religious setting, and along with any particular dogma. It is a system of techniques designed to aid an individual in creating a world of inner and outer harmony, health and happiness” (1999:12).

Meanwhile, Dayal States that,
 “Yoga is a methodology of achieving complete harmony of physical and mental self with the surroundings. It is a science and art of achieving complete balance. It makes the practitioner condition him or her in such a way that there remains no conflict of the inner self with the outer surroundings” (Dayal:2011:1).

Those quotation states clearly, that yoga is one of the ways to be inner and outer harmony since it is useful to overcome stress. Yoga is not a religion but a spiritual practice which does not require any specific belief to participate. Then, the aims of  yoga is to unite mind, body and spirit through  practices using postures, breath regulation, and meditation, either alone or in combination, can lower the levels of stress hormones, reduce tension and anxiety, and improve overall mental well-being. This condition is also depicted in the novel Eat, Pray, Love when Gilbert practices yoga in order to create inner and outer peace.


Methodology is science that learns about methods procedures, and technique of research (Harsono, 2006:6). According to this definition, methodology is one of important parts in doing research. The writer uses some methods to conduct the research. Those are research design, data and data source, data collecting technique and data analyzing technique.

3.1    Research Design

Ranjit (2005:19) states that research design is the conceptual structure within which research would be conducted. The writer applied library research and descriptive qualitative research methods. Descriptive qualitative method has the meaning that the writer will explain the result of analysis in the form of words and sentence since the result is not numeral data. Roberts (1999:45) states:
            “Qualitative research is based on an interpretive epistemology, meaning that knowledge is generated and shaped through interaction between those involved in the research process. Qualitative methodologies are concerned with how the researcher can explore and analyze whatever it is he or she believes can be known, and are based upon prior epistemological assumptions.”

Referring to this quotation stated that qualitative method focus on describing to the main issue which is limited in research scope and for main issue which is analyzed from a certain literary works more detail. In this research the writer uses library research to collect all data needed that have correlation to the research.
3.2    Data and Data Sources
3.2.1 Data
Data are factual information which is taken from data source. Therefore, the data in this research is dialogues of characters and narrations which derive from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love as my data source.
3.2.2 Data Source
Data source is a place where data are taken. Data source that are used in this thesis comes from the novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love written by Elizabeth Gilbert (2010) and published by the Penguin Group (USA).  
3.3    Data Collecting Technique
To obtain the necessary data, the writer read the whole of the novel carefully and repeatedly. Then, the writer could understand and get a deep comprehension. The next method is folding the important pages which consist of the problem that will be analyzed in study. Then, underlining and making a note for the main data that related to the problem which will be analyzed by using some theories, concepts and approach. These Techniques are used to help easier in analyzing later. The main data are taken from the comprehension of narrative, dialogues, and thinking of the author which is stated in narrative of Eat, Pray, Love.
3.4    Data Analyzing Technique
After collecting the data, the data are analyzed into three steps. The first step is classifying the data based on the important data itself. The next step is interpreting the data whether the data is suitable or not with my analysis.
For the last step is analyzing the data based on the theory and concept in theoretical framework and then, the writer evaluates the data. After accomplishing all of steps the writer can compile the conclusion.


In this chapter, the writer will answer the problem formulation which has been formulated in the second chapter, that is: how does Elizabeth Gilbert describes the life of harmony in her novel Eat, Pray, Love? For data source, the writer uses the novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love written by Elizabeth Gilbert. Whereas, the data are taken from the narration which has correlation with seeking harmony and the dialogues among the characters as evidence. Eat, Pray, Love tells about the personal life of Elizabeth Gilbert who has everything that she wants for worldly enjoyment. Unfortunately, she remains getting the uncomfortable feeling after having divorcement with her beloved husband. As the impact, she feels anxiety, fear, unsatisfied and other unhappy condition therefore there is no equilibrium between outer and inner wealth. For this reason, Gilbert decides to visit three different countries such as Italy, India and Indonesia in order to seek the life harmony.

4.1       Presenting Harmony through the Mind Visualize

The life of harmony has the significance roles in people life since it comprise of physical and spiritual needs which both of them must balance in giving treatment. Harmony is the condition which describe the serenity therefore harmony can be characterized with the adjustment from one thing to another things and there is no conflict or problem inside of it. Eat, Pray, Love is actually a novel which reflects the physical and spiritual needs that everyone must have it.
Inside of the novel, Gilbert who wants to seek the life harmony concerns on many worldly aspects and divine transcendence well-balancedly since both of them is the main things in human life that cannot be overlooked.  

Visualization will support the desires more quickly by combining emotion with a picture of what you want. By focusing on what you want and not the negatives in your life, you raise your energetic vibration toward what you imagine. As Gilbert’s standpoint regarding to what she expects before going to the three countries.

“It was more that I wanted to thoroughly explore one aspect of myself set against the backdrop of each country, in a place that has traditionally done that one thing very well. I wanted to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two. It was only later, after admitting this dream, that I noticed the happy coincidence that all these countries begin with the letter I. A fairly auspicious sign, it seemed, on a voyage of harmony” (Gilbert: 2010:38).

The narration above shows that Gilbert wants to achieve harmony in three countries which have different backdrop of each country. By expecting that she will afford to enjoy pleasure in Italy, to learn devotion in India and balance both of them In Indonesia. At first time, she is not aware that the country’s names that will be visited begin with the letter I. by knowing this, her willingness to seek harmony in these three countries rise strongly.

The life harmony is the circumstance which describes the serenity. Many problems and conflicts happened before getting the life harmony. The life harmony means unidirectional, along, rhythm or in parallel. Therefore, the people life can be considered as harmony when various aspects in life goes well-balancedly.  A person who decides to seek the life harmony which concern on internal and external wealth is a person who has internal conflict where they do not have proper adjustment between physical and spiritual needs therefore this condition called as disharmony.

Elizabeth Gilbert is the one who has internal conflict therefore there is no proper adjustment for the aspect in her life. As the impact, she feels anxiety, uncomfortable, sadness and other unhappy condition. Therefore, Gilbert wants to pursue the life harmony by moving to another country and having an expectation will meet a new people, friend, colleague and supporter therefore this situation will make her getting worldly pleasure and diminishing the sense of unhappy in her life.

 “My truth was exactly what I’d said to the medicine man in Bali. I wanted to experience both. I wanted worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence—the dual glories of a human life. I wanted what the Greeks called kalos kai agathos, the singular balance of the good and the beautiful. I’d been missing both during these last years, because both pleasure and devotion require a stress-free space in which to flourish and I’d been living in a giant trash compactor of nonstop anxiety. As for how to balance the urge for pleasure against the longing for devotion . . . well, surely there was a way to learn that trick.” (Gilbert: 2010:37).

The quotation above displays that Gilbert was experiencing disharmony and requiring the equilibrium in her life therefore she will get the life of harmony as the medicine man’s advice when visited in Bali. It could be seen when she has lost both worldly pleasure and relationship to God which became two main aspects in human life. These things appear anxiety, restlessness, sadness and other unhappy feeling.  Responding these circumstances, she wants to achieve both of them by looking for the way to seek it. The situation when she was undergoing the disharmony in her life is the consequent of conflict with her husband that ultimately terminating their marriage where this condition forces her missing her wealth and overlooking divine transcendence. 

“Months passed. My life hung in limbo as I waited to be released, waited to see what the terms would be. We were living separately (he had moved into our Manhattan apartment), but nothing was resolved. Bills piled up, careers stalled, the house fell into ruin and my husband’s silences were broken only by his occasional communications reminding me what a criminal jerk I was” (Gilbert: 2010:21).

The quotation above describes the condition of Gilbert feeling where she feels unknown condition during several months because she waits for her husband decision of what prerequisite that will be proposed by her husband to terminate their marriage. They had lived apart in different apartment. During this time, there is no good communication among them and her careers are stuck, her home full of wreckage and her income are decreasing. Absolutely, this situation forms many kinds of problem which affects the outer and inner wealth.

“As my marriage dissolved and my drama with David evolved, I’d come to have all the symptoms of a major depression—loss of sleep, appetite and libido, uncontrollable weeping, chronic backaches and stomachaches, alienation and despair, trouble concentrating on work, inability to even get upset…it went on and on” (Gilbert: 2010:63).

This quotation explains that Gilbert realizes about her problems which is caused by her marriage dissolved and her conflict with David regarding to her relationship.  Based on these conditions, many kinds of unhappy conditions come into her life, affecting her physical body and feeling such as loss of sleep, appetite and libido, uncontrollable weeping, chronic backaches and stomachaches, alienation and despair, trouble concentrating on work, inability to even get upset. Those are a major depression that she wants to be free and replace them with situation which supports her feeling to be happy.

“I have quit my job, paid off my divorce settlement and legal bills, given up my house, given up my apartment, put what belongings I had left into storage in my sister’s place and packed up two suitcases. My year of traveling has commenced” (Gilbert:2010:44).

From the narration above states that Gilbert has finished her divorce with her husband and released her occupation therefore there is no relationships anymore with him. Beside that, she sells everything that she has such as house, apartment and many things that belongs to her. On the other hand, she has spent much money for overcoming this entire problem. For this reason, she makes a decision to do journey for the purpose of seeking harmony.

Therefore, seeking harmony can be elaborated into three parts, first: harmony between people and a society, second: harmony between people and the environment, the last: harmony between people and the Supreme God.
4.2     Presenting harmony between people and a Society through Mentor / Supportive Community

The deeper explanation about the harmony in life will be scrutinized evidently in this following division:

Human is a social creature that lives in the middle of the society. Therefore, people cannot life apart from the other. Togetherness is something important for people’s life particularly when we want to have interaction with our surrounding. As seen in Gilbert’s endeavors, the supportive community has the primary roles in achieving the life of harmony.
“Everywhere I go but Dusseldorf, I stand out garishly. When I was in China, women used to come up to me on the street and point me out to their children as though I were some escaped zoo animal. And their children—who had never seen anything quite like this pink-faced yellow-headed phantom person—would often burst into tears at the sight of me. I really hated that about China” (Gilbert: 2010:52).

In this quotation, Gilbert expresses that she always becomes stranger when visiting the certain place at the first time. She told that when she went to China, most of the children consider that she is the one who escape from the zoo because they rarely seeing a woman who having yellow hair and pink face and it is like ghost. Consequently, she doe not like with this condition.
Gilbert is actually really wanted to unite to the society that she visited at the first time therefore she will be easier finding new friends, supportive networks then as a result she will acquire the life harmony between people and society. Nevertheless, Gilbert has a problem to do that.

“I’m bad (or, rather, lazy) at researching a place before I travel tending just to show up and see what happens. When you travel this way, what typically “happens” is that you end up spending a lot of time standing in the middle of the train station feeling confused, or dropping way too much money on hotels because you don’t know better” (Gilbert: 2010:52).

As described in this quotation, Gilbert never to look for information about the place that will be visited but she directly visits the certain place without learning the habitual traditions of the society. As the impact, Gilbert cannot make an adjustment to new society and this situation will makes her spend more money to live in a hotel without know nothing. Therefore, Gilbert needs an adjustment between her with society then society can accept her arrival and she fells the serenity living in a new community.

“I have my own set of survival techniques. I am patient. I know how to pack light. I’m a fearless eater. But my one mighty travel talent is that I can make friends with anybody. I can make friends with the dead” (Gilbert: 2010:53).

The quotation above shows that Gilbert is actually a patient woman. She knows how to survive in the new society. She has the ability to make relationship with new people becoming close friend therefore it will be easier to involve herself
in a group of people. In this case, Gilbert affords to adjust herself toward other people that she meets in her journey.

“Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here, I admit it. While I have come to Italy in order to experience harmony, during the first few weeks I was here, I felt a bit of panic as to how one should do that. Frankly, pure pleasure is not my cultural paradigm. I come from a long line of super conscientious people. My mother’s family was Swedish immigrant farmers…”  (Gilbert: 2010:79).

The quotations above describes that obtaining the harmony in Italy is the main intention of Gilbert. In this case, she wants to get pleasure which concerns on worldly pleasure. Unfortunately, she was getting confuse how to do that even she had been there since several weeks, it is because the pleasure is actually not her cultural. She is actually comes from family that has backdrop as immigrant farmers who can be considered as super diligent people therefore her family never teaches her toward something pleasure.  

“I needed to make some friends. So I got busy with it, and now it is October and I have a nice assortment of them. I know two Elizabeths in Rome now, besides myself. Both are American, both are writers. The first Elizabeth is a novelist and the second Elizabeth is a food writer” (Gilbert: 2010:72).

The quotation above shows the action that should be taken by Gilbert in order to overcome her panic is finding new friends therefore she intends to make friend with many people. As a result, she is now has lot of friends. As explained that she has a friend who has the same name with her.
Her name’s Elizabeth who works as the food writer. In this case, Gilbert wants to have friend as many as possible because the social contact has the significant role for the one who seek harmony between people with society therefore it cannot be neglected.

“Of course, by now I’ve also made friends with Giovanni and Dario, my Tandem Language Exchange fantasy twins. Giovanni’s sweetness, in my opinion, makes him a national treasure of Italy. He endeared himself to me forever the first night we met, when I was getting frustrated with my inability to find the words I wanted in Italian, and he put his hand on my arm and said, “Liz, you must be very polite with yourself when you are learning something new.” Sometimes I feel like he’s older than me…” (Gilbert: 2010:73).

To expand the social contact with many people, Gilbert commences to look for new friends as supportive community since these people who believe with her ability and always wants the best for her. As described in the quotation above, Gilbert makes friends with Giovanni and Dario which both of them are her Tandem Language Exchange, in Gilbert opinion Giovanni becomes of treasure of Italy due to his good appearance. Beside that, Giovanni become her beloved man since at the first time they meet, it is because Giovanni affords to give supports and motivations when Gilbert is encountering a problem and getting frustrated particularly with her inability to find the words in Italian. Giovanni said that you must be patient when you learn and do something. Knowing this condition, Gilbert feels that she is younger than him.

“Sofie is my best friend from my language class, and she’s definitely somebody you’d want to spend your time with, too, if you were Dario. She is Swedish and in her late twenties and so damn cute you could put her on a hook and use her as bait to catch men of all different nationalities and ages” (Gilbert:2010:73).

The quotation above shows that Gilbert makes friend with Sofie. She is the one who met in language class. Typically, Sofie is very comfort to be a friend.
Gilbert is always wants to spend plenty of time with her since she seems very funny and often make joke as though when she is used to a trap, it will attract most of men from many different nationalities. Absolutely, Gilbert feels be happy in having relationship with the type of this friend.  

“I’ve also become friends with a cool couple named Maria and Giulio, introduced to me by my friend Anne—an American painter who lived in Rome a few years back. Maria is from America, Giulio’s from the south of Italy. He’s a filmmaker, she works for an international agricultural policy organization” (Gilbert:2010:73).

Form that quotations stated that Gilbert is also meet the couple named Maria and Giulio which is introduced by Anne. Maria is a woman who works in international agricultural policy organization and lives in Rome meanwhile Giulio comes from southern of Italy and he works as a filmmaker. As revealed in theoretical framework, harmony describes the serenity in life such as the statement below.

“Richard from Texas is not a guy who worries about a lot of stuff. I wouldn’t call him a neurotic person, no sir. But I am a bit neurotic, and that’s why I’ve come to adore him. Richard’s presence at this Ashram becomes my great and amusing sense of security. His giant ambling confidence hushes down all my inherent nervousness and reminds me that everything really is going to be OK. (And if not OK, then at least comic” (Gilbert:2010:183).
Gilbert asserts that Richard is her new friend who meets in Ashram. Typically, he is a person who never gets worries in everything therefore Gilbert admires him. Richard’s presence in her life is truly giving her the serenity and peacefulness.
He affords to eliminate all of anxiety and tenseness in her feeling till her inner condition truly being fine. Considering this condition, Gilbert tries to close with Richard who is able to give her the serenity. Making friends means expanding her relationship in society. The acts which is done by Gilbert to make friend is the process of seeking harmony especially harmony between people in the society where she looks for many harmonious friends who are able to give the positive things therefore it will affect her life. Beside that, the social contact is very important for guarantee the life of harmony.

“Which is probably why, when I told my Italian friends that I’d come to their country in order to experience four months of pure pleasure, they didn’t have any hang-ups about it. Complimenti! Vai avanti! Congratulations, they would say. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. Be our guest. Nobody once said, “How completely irresponsible of you,” or “What a self-indulgent luxury” (Gilbert:2010:81).

Referring the quotation above shows that Gilbert ask all of her friends to emphasize that her arrival is to enjoy all of worldly pleasure in order to cure the inner problem which is caused by divorcement and failure in love then as the impact, she gets depression, anxiety, uncomfortable, panic, frustrated and any unhappy situation. Responding this act, all of her friends give support and let her to do everything she wants and nobody try to prevent Gilbert intention. This quotation emphasizes that  with the intention of achieving the life harmony Gilbert must involves herself in the harmonious people where she can get many friend who support her life condition because it was believed can handle the life’s stress rather than isolate in restricted place.

“When it comes my turn to speak, I begin “Sono grata . . .” but then find I cannot say my real thoughts. Namely, that I am so grateful to be free tonight from the depression that had been gnawing at me like a rat over the years, a depression that had chewed such perforations in my soul that I would not, at one time, have been able to enjoy even such a lovely night as this. I don’t mention any of this because I don’t want to alarm the children. Instead, I say a simpler truth—that I am grateful for old and new friends. That I am grateful, most especially tonight, for Luca Spaghetti” (Gilbert: 2010:145).

The quotation above highlights that while celebrating Luca Spaghetti’s birthday party, Gilbert has a chance to express her real thoughts after several months stay in Italy and a good time to involve herself in a group of harmonious people. Initially, she cannot say her real thoughts. Then, Gilbert states that she is so grateful to be free and to be happy at that night especially from the depressions that have ingrained in her life over the years. A depression which makes her never feels the happiness like that lovely night.

Gilbert is so grateful for all her old friends and new friend for their acts which have amused, supported and sustained her life. Gilbert is also grateful for Luca Spaghetti who celebrates a party tonight. Learning about those conditions, it could be deduced that seeking harmony with the society could be fulfilled by expanding our relationship with many people who gives the positive aspects to our life and making friend regardless our social status, religion and etc.
Therefore, involving ourselves to the harmonious people is the main point for assuring the life of harmony.

4.3       Achieving Harmony by Mingling between People and  the Social Environment

Harmony means undirectional, along, rhythm, or in parallel. The happiness of people will be achieved when based upon on harmony. Harmony with Social environment means adjusting ourselves toward the surroundings therefore the surroundings where we live giving a good influences toward us and as a result
we feel comfort, serene, peace and free of any problems. This situation is depicted in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love. During Gilbert’s Timeframe in Rome is planned mainly around physical comfort, artistic pleasure, and emotional satisfaction.   In seeking harmony with the social environment, Gilbert attempts to change her habits and to adjust herself in the harmonious places which possible her to get pleasure. These plans are actually contrast with her comfortable when lived in America.        

“While I have come to Italy in order to experience harmony, during the first few weeks I was here, I felt a bit of panic as to how one should do that. Frankly, pure pleasure is not my cultural paradigm.” (Gilbert: 2010:79).

This quotation declares that the main destination of Gilbert when visits Italy is to get pleasure after experiencing many conflicts in her life. She is going to surround and to change her habits with harmonious things.
She wants to make a good adjustment between her and environment where she lives. It means that she wants to seek the life of harmony where one of the characteristics is there is a good adjustment. Afterward, the pleasure that the most wanted by Gilbert is to enjoying many kinds of food and learn Italy language.

“I found that all I really wanted was to eat beautiful food and to speak as much beautiful Italian as possible. That was life of harmony. So I declared a double major, really—in speaking and in eating (with a concentration on gelato). The amount of pleasure this eating and speaking brought to me was inestimable, and yet so simple. I passed a few hours once in the middle of October that might look like nothing much to the outside observer, but which I will always count amongst the happiest of my life”(Gilbert: 2010:83).

The quotation above explains that Gilbert wishes for enjoying nice food and speaking Italian since both of them are able to appear the feeling of being happy. Moreover, she argues those are the life’s harmony which cannot be measured by anything. In addition, Gilbert spends plenty of time just for enjoying those things which seems by most people considered as common things. Conversely, taking pleasure in enjoying nice food and speaking Italian become the happiest of Gilbert’ life therefore but it’s so special for her.

“But Giovanni is Neapolitan, no question about it, because before I left Rome he gave me the name of a pizzeria in Naples that I had to try, because, Giovanni informed me, it sold the best pizza in Naples. I found this a wildly exciting prospect, given that the best pizza in Italy is from Naples, and the best pizza in the world is from Italy, which means that this pizzeria must offer . . . I’m almost too superstitious to say it” (Gilbert:2010:104).

After Gilbert reveals her willingness about the things which makes her be happy, she gets the information from her friend. He is Giovanni who informs her name of a place which provides the best Pizza in Italy which is located in Naples. Gilbert feels exciting know about this food till she assumes that the best Pizza comes from Italy. This condition shows the pleasure which depicts the physical needs of Gilbert because it gives good influences toward her emotion and feeling.

“Over the next six weeks, I travel to Bologna, to Florence, to Venice, to Sicily, to Sardinia, once more down to Naples, then over to Calabria. These are short trips, mostly—a week here, a weekend there just the right amount of time to get the feel for a place, to look around, to ask people on the street where the good food is and then to go eat it” (Gilbert:2010:128).

The quotation above explains the efforts which are done by Gilbert in order to get worldly pleasure as part of the life of harmony. To achieve harmony in life, she must get worldly pleasure and the pleasure that she really needs is to enjoy many kinds of beautiful food in Italy therefore Gilbert visits many place such as Bologna, Florence, Venice, Sicily, Sardinia, Naples, then over to Calabria. Gilbert goes around those places just for looking for the good food to eat.

“I tell her that I don’t need to see the menu but could she just bring me the best food possible because this is my first night in Sicily. She rubs her hands together in pleasure and yells something in Sicilian dialect to her even-more-elderly mother in the kitchen, and within the space of twenty minutes I am busily eating the hands-down most amazing meal I’ve eaten yet in all of Italy. It’s pasta, but a shape of pasta I’ve never before seen—big, fresh, sheets of pasta folded ravioli-like into the shape of the pope’s hat, stuffed with a hot, aromatic puree of crustaceans and octopus and squid, cockles and strips of julienned vegetables, all swimming in an olivey, oceany broth. Followed by the rabbit, stewed in thyme.(Gilbert:2010:149).

The narration conveys about a condition when Gilbert order some of food in Sisilia. In this case, she orders the most delicious food which is provided in that restaurant because it is the first night she comes to that place. In the narration is described that the owner serves Gilbert soon. In that restaurant, Gilbert orders all kinds of food which she has eaten in many places in Italy. Indeed, there are many delicious foods that she enjoys in order to be satisfied and pleasure before going to India. Then, in order to pursue harmony in life especially focusing on worldly pleasure, Gilbert has willingness to have ability in speaking Italian.

“I want to learn how to speak Italian. For years, I’d wished I could speak Italian—a language I find more beautiful than roses— “I can use this language to extract myself from tight situations.” I loved it. Every word was a singing sparrow, a magic trick, a truffle for me. I would slosh home through the rain after class, draw a hot bath, and lie there in the bubbles reading the Italian dictionary aloud to myself, taking my mind off my divorce pressures and my heartache. The words made me laugh in delight” (Gilbert:2010:30).

This quotation reveals about Gilbert’s desire to learn Italian since many years ago. Gilbert assumes that this language is beautiful than a rose moreover she feels that the usage of this language can assist from depressing situation. Beside that, Gilbert want to explore the pleasure in Italy therefore the ability to speak Italian is quite needed to communicate with everyone. Furthermore, she really loves it. Gilbert considers that every word of this language has the special power therefore she reads the Italian dictionary aloud to release the unhappy divorce and her despair because she thinks its words sometimes make her fall in joy.

So, Giovanni and I now meet for lunch twice a week to practice our Italian and English; a good task for two people who don’t have any history of irritating each other.” (Gilbert:2010:75).

The quotation above displays an activity where Gilbert attracts to learn Italian since this ritual affords to form pure pleasure for betterment of her feeling. She does the Italian practice with Giovanni which is normally meets in twice a week. It is a good thing where Gilbert will learn Italian with a man who does not has history of conflict each others.

“Still, overall it’s so worthwhile. It’s mostly a pure pleasure. Giovanni and I have such a good time teaching each other idioms in English and Italian. We were talking the other evening about the phrases one uses when trying to comfort someone who is in distress”(Gilbert:2010:94).

Evidently, this quotation shows the fact that learning Italian is a worldly pleasure for Gilbert even though it’s not useful for others. In this case, Gilbert and Giovanni try to teach language each others. Giovanni teaches Italian to Gilbert, conversely Gilbert teaches English to him. They exchange a phrase which is useful to amuse someone who is in misery.
Considering the explanation above, the writer can underscore the core point that the main aspects for Gilbert’s life in seeking the life of harmony with social environment is by fulfilling her appetite and learning Italian which is typically it is something new for her moreover Gilbert want to explore the pleasure in Italy therefore the ability to speak Italian is quite needed to communicate with everyone.  For that reason, these attempts can appear the happiness in her life. 

4.4    By presenting harmony between People and the Supreme God

Spiritually, the relationship between people and God must be maintained by people themselves. By keeping this relationship, the life of human being will be controlled since the certain people will always remember with their God in any situations. Besides centering on the worldly enjoyment, the life of harmony is also encompassing the relationship between people with God where both of them must get the same treatment therefore generating the equilibrium between external and internal wealth.

Seeking harmony can be investigated from the acts of Gilbert who observes and learns regarding to habitual tradition in Ashram and Bali because she truly want to know several things about how to connect and to approach herself to the supreme God.

4.4.1    Meditation as a Means to Get Harmony

Meditation is an act which helps to center and control of your world to Higher Power (HP). It allows you to speak to Supreme God and then listen to your God. In Gilbert’s voyage, she practices this thing in order to make closer with Supreme God.

So when the old man asked me in person what I really wanted, I found other, truer words. “I want to have a experience of God,” I told him. “Sometimes I feel like I understand the divinity of this world, but then I lose it because I get distracted by my petty desires and fears. I want to be harmony with God all the time. But I don’t want to be a monk, or totally give up worldly pleasures. I guess what I want to learn is how to live in this world and enjoy its delights, but also devote myself to God”      (Gilbert: 2010:33).

The dialogue above affirms when the medicine man ask Gilbert about what the most wanted by Gilbert in her life at that time. Afterward, Gilbert thinks for that question and she emphasizes toward herself that she wants to experience the harmony with God but do not neglect the worldly pleasure.

Briefly, Gilbert not only wants to learn deeply how to live in the world by enjoying its delights but also still be followed by devoting to God therefore there is equilibrium among them. As a result, Gilbert will be more peaceful in running her life.
“I’d been telling people since I first visited Bali two years ago that this small island was the world’s only true utopia, a place that has known only peace and harmony and balance for all time. A perfect Eden with no history of violence or bloodshed ever. I’m not sure where I got this grand idea, but I endorsed it with full confidence” (Gilbert: 2010:313).

In accordance with the quotation above, it shows Gilbert perspective on the situation in Bali that she visited two years ago and it is so impressive where she finally realizes that Bali is a place only for pursuing harmony and peace. It is most likely a Eden park that consisting of beautiful things. Therefore, Gilbert decides to seek harmony and peace in this beautiful place. Before going to Bali, Gilbert stayed in Ashram several months.

“I clearly hope that I am one of these mid-level dust-caked people, but I don’t know. I only know that I have been driven to find inner peace with methods that might seem a bit drastic for the general populace. (For instance, when I told one friend back in New York City that I was going to India to live in an Ashram and search for harmony with divine, he sighed and said, “Oh, there’s a part of me that so wishes I wanted to do that . . . but I really have no desire for it whatsoever.”) I don’t know that I have much of a choice, though. I have searched frantically for contentment for so many years in so many ways, and all these acquisitions and accomplishments— they run you down in the end”            (Gilbert: 2010:256).

The quotation above declares about the willingness of Gilbert who makes a decision to recover her inner conflict from the big city to the remote area in Ashram. Therefore, her friends feel so strange with Gilbert decision since they know that Gilbert will leave everything regarding to worldly pleasure during stay in Ashram. Gilbert is so dare in taking hard way because of her restlessness she had during many years. For that reason, she wants to observe, understand, learn and practice about any kinds of useful thing in Ashram.

“Meditation is both the anchor and the wings of Yoga. Meditation is the way. There’s a difference between meditation and prayer, though both practices seek harmony with the divine. I’ve heard it said that prayer is the act of talking to God, while meditation is the act of listening. Take a wild guess as to which comes easier for me. I can prattle away to God about all my feelings and my problems all the livelong day, but when it comes time to descend into silence and listen well, that’s a different story”           (Gilbert: 2010:174).

For this quotation, Gilbert considers that meditation and yoga is two things which have close relationship each other. Then, Gilbert asserts that meditation and prayer are actually very helpful to seek harmony with God even though the implementation is different among them where for prayer is a manner of talking to God meanwhile meditation is the technique of listening to God. As the subsequence, Gilbert will decide which one is the best thing and appropriate with her condition right now or do both of them based on problems of her feeling that needs calmness. As seen in the quotation below, Gilbert conducts meditation to achieve harmony to God.

“But how should we find harmony and peace within ourselves?” I asked Ketut. “Meditation,” he said. “Purpose of meditation is only happiness and peace very easy. Today I will teach a new meditation, make you even better person. Is called Four Brothers Meditation” (Gilbert: 2010:333).

The dialogue happens between Gilbert and Ketut, he is a medicine man in Bali. Evidently, Gilbert asks him regarding to the way in seeking harmony and peace then Ketut gives an advice that it can be done through meditation. According to him, meditation has the purpose of being happy and peace easily. The meditation’s name is Four Brothers Meditation.

“I’m getting a lot of time alone here now. I’m spending about four or five hours every day in the meditation caves. I can sit in my own company for hours at a time now, at ease in my own presence, undisturbed by my own existence on the planet” (Gilbert: 2010:268).

Referring to the quotation above, it could be elaborated that Gilbert has plenty of time alone in Ashram therefore she uses this chance to approach herself to God by committing meditation caves. Gilbert affords to do meditation more than four hours per day. Moreover, Gilbert feels comfortable doing it by herself even there is no disturbances because of her past time. In addition, to commit meditation there are some techniques that are required as shown this quotation below.

4.4.2    Relaxation, Concentration and Transcendence  as a Technique to Achieve Harmony

Relaxation, Concentration and Transcendence are the part of doing meditation. Hence, the people who approach themselves toward God through meditation may not negate these constituents. In the life of Gilbert, the acts such as relaxation, concentration and transcendence are done to help her come close to God.

“But to stay in the present moment requires dedicated one-pointed focus. Different meditation techniques teach one-pointedness in different ways—for instance, by focusing your eyes on a single point of light, or by observing the rise and fall of your breath. My Guru teaches meditation with the help of a mantra, sacred words or syllables to be repeated in a focused manner” (Gibert: 2010:175).

This quotation shows one of the techniques in doing meditation as stated in the theory. It was mentioned that concentration is meditation technique which Gilbert must do it when she wants to seek harmony with God through meditation. As stated in the quotation, while doing meditation Gilbert must focus her thought or her eyes on the single object. These acts are intended to assist in concentrating her mind.
This action indicates that seeking harmony with God can be investigated through its technique of meditation. Therefore, meditation is done by Gilbert to seek harmony with the divine. 

4.4.3    Daily Prayer as a Way to Achieve Harmony

Prayer becomes the main constituent in people life spiritually. The life of human being will be controlled if keep conducted prayer in daily life. Moreover, it will make our relationship with God closer. In the life of Gilbert, Prayer has become a ritual or daily routine in her seeking toward the life of harmony.
“My prayers are becoming more deliberate and specific. It has occurred to me that it’s not much use to send prayers out to the universe that are lazy. Every morning before meditation, I kneel in the temple and talk for a few minutes to God. I found during the beginning of my stay here at the Ashram that I was often dull-witted during those divine conversations. Tired, confused and bored, my prayers sounded the same. I remember kneeling down one morning, touching my forehead to the floor and muttering to my creator, “Oh, I don’t know what I need . . . but you must have some ideas so just do something about it, would you?” (Gibert: 2010:233).

This statement depicts how Gilbert tries to approach herself to God by committing prayers in order to achieve harmony. She does those prayers every morning before conducting meditation which is usually done in the temple just to talk with God for   a while. In her prayers, Gilbert expects guidance for the most primary needs for her life because she is so sure that God know about what she needs  than herself. For that reason, Gilbert has an expectation to be free from the sense of tired, confused and bored.

4.4.4    Tibetan Rites include Yoga Practices as a Method to be Harmony
Tibetan Rites involve practices which are being viewed as a way of enhancing positive qualities while negating the negative characteristics. These practices including yoga practice which giving you more energy and emotional stability. Gilbert views yoga as a way to harmonize for complexities of her life.

“Yoga, in Sanskrit, can be translated as “union.” It originally comes from the root word yuj, which means “to yoke,” to attach yourself to a task at hand with ox-like discipline. And the task at hand in Yoga is to find union—between mind and body, between the individual and her God, between our thoughts and the source of our thoughts, between teacher and student, and even between ourselves and our sometimes hard-to-bend neighbors”       (Gilbert: 2010:33).

This narration shows about Gilbert’s understanding toward yoga after asked by her teacher about yoga because before conducting yoga practices, it will be better to know its meaning and function. In the narration above, Gilbert asserts that yoga is the way to unite between mind and body, between the individual and her God, between her thoughts and the source of her thoughts, between teacher and student.

Referring to those quotations above, it can be highlighted that Gilbert seeks the life of harmony with God by committing some practices such as meditation include its techniques, prayer and Tibetan rites in this case yoga practice. It has been already known that all of these ways is so worthwhile to move toward Higher Power.


Considering the analysis that had been accomplished by using the approach in the method of research, the writer can deduces the result of analysis that deals with seeking harmony : in the life of Elizabeth Gilbert as reflected in her novel Eat, Pray, Love. The writer presents some primary points as a result of the analysis that will be explained below:

The first point is seeking harmony by presenting harmony through the mind visualized. The second point is seeking harmony by presenting harmony between people and a society through mentor/supportive community. It can be explained that by having lot of networks, friends and supportive relation with many people, it can handle stress and overcome unhappy condition because the harmonious people will affect the life of someone who engaged into them.

The third point is achieving harmony by mingling between people and    the social  environment. The existence of social environment is becoming the main determining factor for Gilbert in seeking harmony because the condition of the environment where Gilbert lives will affect her feeling and desire to be happy. The basic needs of Gilbert such as food are also can be obtained in the surroundings where food can become a channel for good mental health and the betterment of relationships. Besides, learning a new thing in the social environment is also become the something pleasure in Gilbert’s life such as learning Italian as a communication’s tool to explore the pleasure in Italy.   

The last significance point is by presenting harmony between people and the supreme God. It means that as a human being, maintaining the relationship with God is also required because it is the main thing that must be fulfilled in order to fulfill the spiritual needs. Gilbert’s endeavors in seeking harmony with God are by committing meditation includes its techniques, prayer and Tibetan rites include yoga practice as a means to get harmony. 


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